Contacts Tab Screen

Use this screen to view, add, modify, or delete contacts and their information associated with the workfile.

Tracking information includes estimator, file priority, and repair phase. Marketing information includes referral source, customer age, and gender. Fields in this screen that appear in gray cannot be edited.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
All Contacts This section displays contacts and their information.
Add Use this button to add a new contact, or a contact that is stored in the customer database.
Remove This removes the selected contact in the Contacts section.
Company Enter the company name in this field.
Name This column displays the first and last name of the contact. This column can be sorted. Selecting this column sorts the contact list by last name.
Primary Phone The primary telephone number of the contact is displayed in this column. Selecting this column sorts the contact list by primary phone number.
Secondary Phone The secondary telephone number of the contact is displayed in this column. Selecting this column sorts the contact list by secondary phone number.
Fax The fax telephone number of the contact is displayed in this column. Selecting this column sorts the contact list by fax number.
Company The company name associated with the contact is displayed in this column. Selecting this column sorts the contact list by company name.
(contact information section) The vehicle owner contact information is displayed in this section by default. Select a contact from the All Contacts section to display the contact information.
Contact Type Select the type of contact from this droplist.
(printer icon)

Green plus sign indicates that the contact displayed will print on the Estimate to Repair and Final Bill documents. The default value is set to the vehicle owner.

Red plus sign indicates that the selected contact who is not the vehicle owner will print on the Estimate to Repair and Final Bill documents.

Company Enter the company name. This field is disabled when Individual is selected for Party Is.
(salutation) This droplist is displayed to the right of the First Name field label.
First Name Enter the contact first name in this field.
Last Name Enter the contact last name in this field.
(search magnifying glass icon) This button opens the Select Customer screen. This allows you to perform a search for an existing contact or company.
Email This is the contact email address.
Comm. Preference Select the preference the system is to use when communicating CCC ONE® Update Plus status messages to the customer.
Call Plan Select the days to communicate call plan option when CCC ONE® Update Plus status messages are sent to the customer. Call Plans are set up in your repair facility profile under Customer Communication.
Addresses This grid allows you to enter multiple addresses for the selected contact.
Type This describes the address type. Select Home, Work , or Mailing from this droplist.
Address 1 Enter the street number and name in this field.
Address 2 Enter additional location information here (e.g., Suite 111, or Apt 2G).
City Enter the contact city name in this field.
State Select the contact state from this droplist.

Enter the contact postal code in this field.

(address blue up and down arrows) Use the arrows to move the selected address up or down in the list.
(red X) This button removes the selected address from th list.
Phone Number(s) The selected contact phone numbers are listed in this section.
Phone Type This option describes the type of phone number. Phone types include Business, Cell, Day, Evening, Fax, and Other.
Phone Number Enter the area code, phone number and extension in this field.
(up and down arrows) Use these arrows to move the selected phone number up or down the list.
(red X) This button removes the selected phone number.
Contact Notes Enter any additional information in this field.

Description of fields in the Tracking Information and Marketing Information section

Field Label Description
Estimator Select the estimator from this droplist.
File Priority This droplist allows you to select from a list priority symbols and descriptions that are defined in your repair facility profile.
Primary Referral This droplist allows you to select a primary referral source that is defined in your repair facility profile.
Secondary Referral This droplist allows you to select a secondary referral source that is defined in your repair facility profile.
Customer Age The age ranges that have been defined in your repair facility profile can be selected from this droplist.
Customer Gender Select male or female from this droplist.


Workfile - Contacts Tab

See Also

Adding or Editing Contact Information

Assigning an Estimator







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